David Austin, winner of 25 Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal Awards, has spent 60 years breeding the world’s most lush, fragrant roses - 9 shrub roses:. Here a few excellent choices selected for their prized fragrance: 1) Gertrude Jekyll, for famed English gardener - pink with Old Rose fragrance. 2) Lady Emma Hamilton, red buds, tangerine blooms - award-winning fruity fragrance. 3) Emily Brontë, soft pink, apricot centered blooms - strong Tea scent. 4) Tea Clipper, apricot quartered rosettes with strong scent. 5) Princess Anne, a healthy pink rose, with character, like namesake. 6) Abraham Darby, pink, apricot, yellow deeply cupped blooms, sharp fragrance. 7) Jude The Obscure, Guava and sweet white wine scented yellow blooms. 8) Golden Celebration, one of the largest flowered English Roses - yellow blooms. 9) The Ancient Mariner, inspired by Coleridge’s poem with plentiful, fragrant mid-pink blooms. Available through www.davidaustinroses.com