If there is one thing that brought Donald Baptiste of LDB Homes, LLC, together with Cheryl and Steve Click of Click Architects, who offer the total turnkey operation of home design, architecture, and interior design, it was their shared desire to create homes that had never been done before. In this instance, razing the previous home that once occupied this lot – a very dilapidated single-story rambler suffering from decades of neglect and dry rot – meant not only designing a very unique façade, but also answering the needs for privacy on a busy street that bordered a mixed-use development neighborhood.
Typically, Cheryl and Steve Click present themselves as a team, but one of them will take over the project as the lead, a role which Steve took on this project. “We chose corrugated metal for the exterior for a number of reasons,” he says. “It’s visually dramatic, cost effective, low maintenance and easy-to-install. It also addresses city streets with a hard edge, and fewer windows on the street to filter out noise.” As the developer, Baptiste also notes that his desire to save an existing, but not designated special tree, also dampens traffic sounds, and provides more privacy. “A large tree helps filter street noise,” he says. “We also designed our way around it by turning the walkway on a diagonal to keep the tree’s roots intact.”
Metal is Click’s recurring design detail found both inside and out, whether it’s from the metal-lined entryway or the perforated metal screen above the entry, or the stunning, white-painted perforated metal staircase that introduces the expansive living area and bifurcates the living from kitchen. “Western sunlight floods the main space,” adds Click, “making the staircase glow.”
Baptiste praises CnB Iron Works for the difficult-to-install staircase. “I’m so glad I found CnB,” he says. “They are so innovative, willing, and never say no to any design or various iterations. Like us, they’re tired of working on cookie cutter designs!” CnB also fabricated the steel that encases the Valor fireplace and crowns the walnut cabinetry below. “All walnut boxes would have been monotonous,” explains Baptiste. Click designed the layout of the main level with the kitchen as the heart of the home and other spaces radiating off it. “We wanted the owner’s suite on the same level. To create a sense of mystery between the public and private spaces, we had Donald’s carpenters build a custom, oversized pocket door.” While looking for a fireplace tile that would resemble CMU without its rough edges, the Clicks discovered Pacific Gray Terrazzo tile at Cement Tile Shop, which Baptiste loves.
Baptiste also loves collaborating with the Clicks. “We’re on the same page,” he says. “More importantly, they also listen to me about what I want.” After working on 10 homes together, Baptiste and Click Architects have created a dynamic working relationship.
Click Architects
CnB Iron Works
James Hardie
Shoptalk - Click Architects
Click Architects
Can you recall the first time you were amazed by architecture?
Cheryl–From a young age, I was interested in drawing. Specifically, house plans. I’ve always had a fascination with space planning and scale fluctuation. That said, the first time I was truly amazed and emotionally moved by architecture, was upon my first step inside the Pantheon. I can vividly remember the flood of emotions as I took in the space, the lighting, the scale, the sounds. I stared up at the domed ceiling and oculus for what seemed like hours. To this day, the Pantheon remains at the top of my favorite spaces.
Steve–Absolutely! The first time I remember being amazed by architecture has to be when I was very young. Probably around 7 or 8 years old. I’d visit my grandmother who lived next door to a home designed by the late Fay Jones, a prominent Arkansas architect who was an apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright. I was drawn to how this home was rooted to the site as if it had grown there. The use of natural materials, deep overhangs, and large glazed areas stood out from all other homes. I still get excited when I see one of these homes.
What aspects of your background and upbringing have shaped your design principles and philosophies?
Cheryl– Having grown up in Arkansas, I have a strong interest in vernacular/regional materials and how they are used for a particular structure or purpose. Arkansas is home to a lot of farm land, rolling hills, and wooded forest where individuals have embraced materials found in and around their property. I like to pay homage to this when possible and appropriate by focusing on the use of simple forms and materials that age gracefully over time.
Steve–I’ve always been a “hands-on” type of person possessing a drive to figure out how things are constructed. Early in my studies, that drive directed me to the design/build program in school and eventually a full-time position at a local design/build firm. The experience of building what I designed forwarded my practical construction knowledge and provided a certain level of sensibility to design details.
What’s the most unusual place you pull inspiration from?
Each project we design pulls inspiration from multiple sources. Usually, our inspiration manifests from the client, the site, the wildlife, and the context. Sometimes something as small as a butterfly or leaf can lead to very interesting outcomes.
Outside of architecture, what are you currently interested in and how is it influencing your design thinking?
Cheryl–I truly enjoy all kinds of walks: city walks, nature walks, hiking, and family walks. Walking and hiking provide a time for solitude and the chance to un-plug. I look forward to connecting to nature, my thoughts, and experiencing the world at my own pace while engaging the land, buildings, and spaces in between. Oftentimes, some of my best problem solving occurs during these walks.
Steve–I’m always in search of the next DIY project around the house. Working on our own residence provides a perfect gateway to experiment using new materials and design theories. I also look for any opportunity to learn about new construction methods and love learning to use new tools. When I’m not working on our house, you’ll likely find me fishing.
Favorite travel destination?
Cheryl–One of my favorite travel adventures was a four day hike along the Cotswolds Way in the United Kingdom through 17th century villages, old churches, ruins, historic monuments, sheep fields, cow fields, forest, farm land, gravel roads, and kissing gates. My love for long walks and culture made this the perfect destination and I look forward to many more opportunities like this one.
Steve–We recently took a trip to England where we made a stop in Stratford Upon Avon. I was completely taken by the canal system and the narrowboats. I hope to make a return visit to spend time navigating the canals and experience the narrowboat life style. Thailand is a close second. Specifically, Chang Mai, where I’d like to volunteer at the Elephant Nature Park.
Do you have a dream project, or location where would you like to work?
Honestly, we don’t really think a lot about the dream project. I suppose some might say the dream project exists when you have the perfect balance between client, budget, site, schedule, program, etc. This perfect balance is often elusive. Instead, we focus on what makes each project a dream project in its own unique way. It becomes more about how we make this a dream project for our clients. We’re happy when our client’s expectations are exceeded.
What’s next for you?
We’ve always been a husband / wife team which has been an incredible and fun experience. Now, we’re hoping to increase our office size allowing us the opportunity to take on additional projects, serve more people nationwide, and hopefully expand our body of work to include small retail, mixed-use, and restaurant design.