As summer unfolds, gardens burst with vivid colors of pink, orange and apricot and fragrance of fruity tea and myrrh. Stop and smell the roses with our seasonal shrub favorites by David Austin Roses.

Golden Celebration®, a large, rich yellow bloom with a strong Tea fragrance with notes of Sauternes wine and strawberry. It forms a rounded shrub with ample foliage, the blooms reaching marvelously on long, arching branches.

Roald Dahl, apricot hues in a medium-sized, cup rosette have few thorns and lovely fruity Tea scent. Named to mark the centenary of Roald Dahl’s birth, its coloring is a reminder of the peach from James and the Giant Peach.

Princess Anne brings an evolution of colors of deep pink, almost fading to pure rich pink. Medium Tea scented blooms are framed by rich narrow petals with a hint of yellow underside.

Scepter’D Isle, a strong myrrh fragrance bestows these medium blooms with a gentle light pink ombré effect.


Available through David Austin Roses,